Post-Care Instructions for Semi-Permanent Makeup
Please make sure you read the following instructions to assure the best result!
For at least two (2) weeks, minimize exposure to the sun, discourage swimming, sauna or facials
You must wear a hat if you will be exposed to the sun during the healing process.
No tinting or make-up on the tattooed area.
Do not exercise for the first 7 days. No heavy sweating.
Avoid face area when showering.
Do not use any Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Peroxide, Neosporin during the healing process.
Do not scrub or pick the tattooed area.
Use sterile bandage(s) or other sterile dressing(s) when necessary
The client shall consult a health care practitioner at the first sign of infection or an allergic reaction, and report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction resulting from the tattoo to the artist and to the Texas Department of State Health Services, Drugs and Medical Devices Group, at 1-888-836-6676
Post care instructions:
DAY 1:
Keep the tattooed area dry for 24 hours.
DAY 2-7:
Three (3) times a day – cleanse the tattooed area with moist round cottons, then apply provided Healing Tattoo Ointment.
Keep the tattooed area dry for 6 days.
Post care instructions:
2 hours after lip blushing procedure, wash your lips with water, pat dry and keep them clean. Do not apply any ointment on lips for 48 hours. Cleanse your lips after each meal.
After 48 hours - Cleanse lips after each meal and apply lip ointment regularly through out the day
You will notice some peelings starting on day 3, 4 and 5, let the peeling process does its own work, DO NOT pull or pick on scabs.
Avoid heavy work out, hanging out under sun and avoid heat for 3 weeks.
Avoid spicy food, eat or drink dark color food/beverage
Slight swelling, thickness, and/or redness for 1 or 2 days following the procedure is normal.
It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process.
After the initial procedure, the color may be a shade too dark; in six days it will appear to lighten a bit, but after 10 days the color will show through the skin as it heals
It will appear softer when completely healed because the color will come from the dermal layer of the skin to the epidermal layer of the skin
Please be patient! The healing process takes up to 30 days. Your follow up appointment is needed so the PMU Specialist can examine the healing process and correct any imperfections and/or loss of pigments.
The tattooed areas are approximately 20 to 25% darker and bolder in the width than they will be when healed. Your skin is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment appear darker.
There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the treated area. This will subside.
If you have any concerns during the healing process, feel free to text or call me @214.566.7986.
Lastly, thank you for coming to me and trusting me with your beauty needs.